Monday 18 August 2014



New Perspectives on Africa:

This post in many a way, does have to do and with a problem in all, and that does plague Africa, and as with regards to speak in all, and of just whom perhaps, Africans, are, and as said truly Serious, or simply again, and as said truly possessing, a Serious Disposition that is. That many of Africa's problems, are not deemed or believed, too difficult and in solving, and when perceived in all, and from speak of Metrics, and that do go along in all again, and in speak of Improvements that is [and further speak too, and of small changes here and there in all]. Even then, most in Africa, still do not take a serious approach and in solving Africa's problems, and as with it all even said not to speak of solving such problems in all, and in speak too, and of Energy Demands that is [that Energy, is simply believed, to be the main or major factor in all, and when it does come and in dealing with Africa's problems, and as with it all even said to speak, and of just what amount of Energy in all, is believe needed in solving any problem, and as said in all again, and as passing in all, and for Satisfaction in itself that is].

Many though, have truly attempted in all, and in attempting to define, Africa, and from the very perspective and of the Serious Disposition that is [the belief in all that, all that does happen, should happen in all again, and in a serious manner so to speak]. With Africans though, often known Jocular in their ways [and speak in all again, and of just how Africans do define the Psyche, and when it does come and to speak of (Bodily) Energy reserves in all], speak of Africans and as said possessing a Serious Disposition, and one too, and that does take everything around them seriously or into account too, cannot be said to be actually truly real, and in an Africa, which can be said basically defined, and in speak of African Music Traditions that is [and which are naturally too, and of the Call-and-Response variety that is].

In having said this though, is to attempt to define what does pass for the Serious Disposition in Africa (and outside Egypt too), and as Egyptian society in all, did possess a Humour, and that did in all take the Jocular and the Serious, into account or in tandem and in hand with each other, and such that, Greek Culture in Egypt, is now perceived in all, and in speak of the Light Moment that is.

In all, the first of these does speak of the term 'Anglo-', and as falsely said enough British, when Anglo in all, does speak of English culture and Philosophy, and as seen in Africa, and as said to speak in all, and of the Serious, and in Disposition too that is [and with Nigeria, and not South Africa and which is British, or Kenya and which is said Victorian in all, said to be the center, and of Anglophone Africa too that is]. You do also have Cote D'Ivoire, and as said in all, truly 'Franco-', and as with regards and to speak of being Serious, and in Disposition that is. What of the 'Luso-' in Africa? Believed here by the Blogger, and to hold the most promise and as with regards to helping define Africans in all, and in their simply knowing just whom or who in all, they simply are, and with the Jocular and Serious too, and as it does in all even, speak of the very world, and of the Portuguese Jesuits that is. Having said this, is to also present the very world of African Christianity, and as with it all even speaking of re-inventing Africa in Myth, and Myth too, and that does take the Serious and in Disposition in all, and the Jocular too, and into place that is [and with it all, African Christianity that is, somewhat said in all Coptic that is,  and not Missionary either, and as speaking in all again, and of just where Africa in all, does meet the History of the Dutch in Africa too that is][Link][In all again, Kenya, and as truly said the very home in all, and of African Christianity in many a way truly].

Having said all this, is to in all perhaps mention that, it all does basically speak and of just whom or who in all, are said truly serious in nature, and in Africa too perhaps, and as with regards in all even, and to speak and of just what African Philosophy, truly is that is [and from a Critical perspective too, and not a Historical one either that is].




African Christianity: