Tuesday 26 August 2014

Crispus Attucks

Crispus Attucks.

This entry, will in many a way attempt to teach many an African in all, and of just whom or who in all, they simply are, and as with regards and to speak of Myth, and as said a core African Identity too, and in speak too perhaps, and of the History of Africans, and as said Seafarers that is. That in all, speak of African Myth, and of the Seafaring variety, is no longer known to exist in all, and other than speak now in all, and of African History perhaps, and as said entwined in all again, and to American History too that is.

In speaking of the above in all, is to perhaps now attempt and to speak of 'Persons of Colour' in all again, and as said American truly too, and as with regards to speak in all, and of new ways or manners, and of truly perceiving African Identity in all, and as going along and with Slavery too, and in the America's in many a way that is.

That speak of African Identity in the United States of America, does go along and with speak and of American society, and as perceived and from speak of a Physical, Logical, Conceptual and Contextual Analysis too that is. That African slavery in the United States of America, is often perceived in all, and from speak and of a Physical (Model) Analysis too, in that, slaves are now presented, and as said overworked, and in many a way too, mistreated in all that is. To speak though and of slavery in the United States of America, and as having endured over a long period of time, is to speak of it all and from a Logical (Model) Analysis, and which does see American society, and as simply said Slave-holding, in that, a Logical (Model) Analysis of American slave society, does see to it, many an agreement and between 'Master' and 'Slave' too, and as with regards and to speak of proper Behaviour for instance [and a world too, and which did in all lead, and to speak of George Washington Carver for instance].

In many a way, while many a successful African Immigrant or Immigre and to the United States of America in all, does find themselves living under American society, and as perceived and from speak of a Logical (Model) Analysis, you do also have the false belief here that, American society is simply said discriminatory in many a way, and to many a said 'Person of Colour' too, and due perhaps in all, and to speak for example, and of the American Presidency and as Institution, or speak too in all again, and of many a Police Shooting for instance, in that, speaking of American society and from a Conceptual (Analysis) Model on the otherhand, does in all even speak of African Religious/Cultural concepts in all, and as becoming a part of American society (Identity), and in speak too for instance, and of the manifestation/creation of Jazz, Be-Bop, Rock n Roll or even American Dance too, and as said in all, very much speaking of an African interpretation, and in Myth/Imagination too, and of American society that is [and with this in all again, a Conceptual (Model) Analysis of the United States of America, and as said Religious/Cultural too, having one in all truly see just what kinds in all even, and of problems, social too, and that the United States of America does face, and as with they in all even said to prevent one from attempting to become American that is, and as America in all, and Conceptually too, is often said believed a wild place in itself, and as in speak of betrayal too for instance]. In all, America and Africa today, and as perceived from a Conceptual (Model) Analysis, probably in all, speaking of African Religion, and in the very form only perhaps, and of IFA, or even African/Egyptian Christianity too that is [Conceptual (Model) Analysis America - Link].

While many a problem and as pertaining and to speak of 'Persons of Colour' in the United States of America today, can in all ways even be perceived and from speak of a Physical (Model) Analysis [and speak too, and of White Americans, and as simply perceived Attractive for instance, and in speak of the Female Gender too that is], and speak too, and of everyday American life in all, and as simply said Physical in its ways, in that, many a successful Immigrant, both White or of Colour in all, still in many a way does find themselves isolated and from American society, and as Americans and on the average, are known Physically skilled in all, and in a manner and that does speak of American Professional Wrestling for instance [An American Physical (Model) Analysis  -  Link].

In all, America or the United States of America, and as said a 'White place/country' in all [and as versus speak of Europe too], does in all even speak of analyzing American society, and from a Contextual (Model) Analysis, in that, the average American Setting in all, and as rather Cultured too, is known in many a way, and to be said simply White in its ways (Link), in that, many a 'Person of Colour' and as perceived and in speak of a Contextual (Model ) Analysis in American society, is very much said truly, a Religious figure of a kind, and such that, speak of figures and such as Crispus Attucks for instance, does speak of them and as perceived and from a Logical (Model) Analysis (and whether or not they are said truly American or African that is), in that, American society and as perceived and from a Contextual (Model) Analysis, does in all ways even speak of the very world of American Materiality/Materialism and American Design too, and as with it in all and in many a way too, simply said White too perhaps, and as many a said 'Person of Colour', and as said truly American too, have never defined their society in all, and at this level truly too, such that, the Materiality/Materialism and as associated with them, is in many a way too, said Western for instance, and not truly American either. [Western, American].

American Contextual life:
