Saturday 16 August 2014



What in all, does pass for Modernity? It in many a way, can be said here in all, and to speak for instance, and of owning the most expensive of Cars, or speak too, and of ATM's for instance, or even Credit Cards in themselves that is.

What Modernity though, has done for Africa, is to in many a way, distort African Identity, and as with regards, and to speak of Heritage that is [that African Identity in all, and as going along and with speak of Heritage and Modernity too, does in all ways even speak of African Identity, and as said in all, merging too, and with many an Identity of a person, simply said of African ancestry or descent that is][Link1, Link2][and speak too, and of the birth and of the so termed Black World, and speak here for instance, and of Marcus Garvey in all, but that in all ways even, it does speak of African Identity, and as now said Black and Intercontinental too that is][Link1, Link2].

In all again, this differing and from past manners or ways, and of defining Identity in Africa, Social too, and that does in all speak of of acquainting oneself and with the Dead that is [and as said spirits too], but further speak in all again, and of African Identity in all, and as said Intercontinental, and as speaking of Magico-Religious practises in all actually [Link].